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Inventions de salariés et de dirigeants sociaux, procédure civile
Inventions de salariés et de dirigeants sociaux, procédure civile
Inventions de salariés et de dirigeants sociaux, procédure civile
30 octobre 2014

Une nouvelle loi très en faveur des Inventeurs salariés entre en vigueur en Russie le 1er octobre 2014




CMS, Russia | Long-awaited rules on employee     inventor compensation in Russia




































September 2014


For Russian version click here








    After the old Soviet rules of calculation and payment of employee inventor     compensation ceased to be applicable in Russia, this important legal issue     both in the sphere of employment relations and inventorship remained     insufficiently regulated for dozens of years.
    The parties to these relations had to come to an agreement on the amount     and methods of payment of inventor compensation. Failing to do that, the     parties had to revert to a court of common jurisdiction, which did not have     any legal instruments to determine compensation amounts in the absence of     applicable rules or regulations. Over the decades, there have been many     disputes in various regions of Russia. Due to the lack of applicable rules,     the outcome of disputes was generally unpredictable, although the courts     have traditionally been – and still are – mostly employee inventor     oriented.
    On 1 October 2014, the long-awaited new rules, which were adopted by the     Russian Government in June 2014 (the “Rules”), will come into effect.     They are aimed at curing this serious defect in the regulation of     relationships between employed inventors and employers.
    Outline of the     Rules
The Rules are brief and straightforward from the legal standpoint. They     provide for three different types of compensation, as summarised in the     table below.


1.       Lump sum payment for the creation of a patentable
      invention, industrial design and/or utility model
      (“IP Object”)


• 30% of the average monthly salary of an       inventor
      • 20% of the average       monthly salary of an author of an industrial design or a utility model


The sum is due for       payment irrespective of whether the employer decides to patent the IP       Object or not


2.       Annual payments for use of the IP Object by
      the employer


100% of the average monthly salary       of the inventor/author for every year of use


3.       Payment(s) due when the IP Object is licensed or
      assigned by the employer


10% of the       revenues received by the employer from the licensee under the licence       agreement or
      • 15% of the revenues received by the employer from the       assignee under the assignment agreement


In     case of co-authorship, the payments made under licensing/assignment     agreements (item 3 above) are to be shared equally among the co-authors,     unless otherwise provided for in an agreement between the co-authors. On     the other hand, lump sum payments for the fact of inventorship and annual     payments for use (items 1 and 2 above) are to be calculated and paid to     each and every co-inventor. This could give way to potential unfair play     when initially establishing co-authorship and impose additional burdens on     the employer.
The Rules are not mandatory. They apply unless otherwise provided by     the parties in an employment or other agreement.
    Not surprisingly, the new Rules remain employee inventor oriented. Also,     certain aspects are still not regulated (such as the allocation of     co-authorship lump sum and annual payments, or the apportionment of annual     payments when an IP Object is used for less than a full calendar year).     Employers are therefore encouraged to settle these issues by detailing them     in agreements with their employees, rather than rely on the application of     the Rules.


If     you have any questions on the matters referred to in this Alert, please do     not hesitate to contact CMS, Russia expert Anton Bankovskiy or your regular     contact at CMS, Russia.














































    This information is provided for general information     purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you     would like specific advice, please call your usual contact or the named     contact responsible for the issue addressed above.
    Copyright © 2014 CMS International B.V. All rights     reserved.
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La rémunération     supplémentaire pour une nouvelle invention de salarié est la     suivante :


1)    30% du salaire mensuel de l’inventeur, que l’invention fasse     l’objet d’une demande de brevet ou non.


Donc     pour un salaire mensuel de 5000 euros ce montant forfaitaire est de     1 500 euros.


2)    En cas d’exploitation industriellel /commerciale de     l’invention, l’inventeur perçoit     100% de son salaire annuel en plus de son salaire habituel, chaque année     pendant toute la durée de l’exploitation industrielle de l’invention.


3)    En cas d’exploitation de l’invention par contrat de licence,     l’inventeur a droit à 10% des     redevances nettes perçues par l’entreprise.


4)    Si l’invention/brevet est cédé, l’inventeur a droit à 15% du     montant de la cession nette.




Exemple : si l’inventeur a un salaire mensuel net de 5000 euros, il perçoit 5 x 12 = 60 000 euros chaque année d’exploitation commerciale/industrielle de son invention.

Si l'invention est exploitée industriellement pendant 10 ans, l'inventeur  a droit à 600 000 euros de rémunération supplémentaire globale nette d'invention. En réalité davantage scompte tenu de l'augmentation normale de son salaire chaque année et/ou par des promotions !

Donc par exemple 700 000 euros en tout quel que soit le succès commercial de l'invention !! ... Imposés fiscalement au taux uniforme de 14% !!! ... (En France en 2014 : 45 à 65% selon le salaire !...) Gérard DEPARDIEU va faire des émules parmi les inventeurs salariés français, qui figurent parmi les plus maltraités, les plus mal payés (quand ils le sont...) et les plus méprisés de toute la planète  par leurs employeurs ...Combien de vocations de chercheurs français pour s'exiler en Russie dans les prochaines années ?... 

Incontestablement ces mesures extrêmement avantageuses pour les salariés russes auteurs d’inventions – beaucoup plus que les mesures appliquées en France de manière particulièrement disparate voire anarchique - ont le mérite de la simplicité. Elles devraient grandement dynamiser la recherche industrielle russe et fouetter la compétitivité des entreprises russe si elles sont loyalement appliquées.

Bravo Wladimir POUTINE.
